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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Hello Kitty Tent

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It's summer! Which means hot humid weather, mosquitoes, sunburns, bee stings, dehydration, heat stroke, and a multitude of other "fun" things. Personally, I hate summer, but if you're one of those crazy types who love it - or more importantly - the type to loves to go camping, well you're in luck...

"It will be a tent if it is called outdoor! They are Kitty and GO to pleasure about the nature which tends to go out in * Kitty's tent and tends to be overlooked a ましょ ♪ starlit sky and usually! Contents of a set: A main part, a roof cover, a pole, a peg, receipt bag

* overseas limitation! *
size for 1~2 adults

size: 180cm x 127cm x 110cm
material: -- polyester 100%"

Price: 6,500円

Source: http://www.rakuten.co.jp/sanrio/446984/637779/

Technorati Tags:, , summer, camping

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